Experience Your Healing Revelation After Narcissistic Abuse
` Whatever Stage Of Your Journey `
You Want To:
Not feel so highly sensitive around negative energy
Be able to move on from a toxic situation or attachment (trauma bond) with ease
Stop seeking the approval of others (especially those that can't give it to you)
Free yourself from random addictions & distractions, such as eating, shopping, organising, people pleasing or going after random life goals that don't actually make you feel any better inside
Get your life in order and start living and enjoying it!
Feel better about yourself and find inner peace and calm
Stop idolising and fantasising about an "ideal" relationship that will rescue you
Take the steps to have an incredible loving and supportive relationship - for real
Create the life of your dreams, in love, work life and community - or simply find joy in your day to day life
I work with highly sensitive empathic souls who don't know their worth (yet). They know on a logical level that they are worthy of the life they want - and they have an idea of how they 'should' feel in a relationship with others: "loved and supported, seen and validated." But all these things feel so, foreign to them. Their deepest desire is to feel loved and supported and cherished and, they don't have a clue how to get there. So they have often found themselves accepting crumbs of 'love' and attention in relationships, hoping that there is more to come, down the road. If they keep waiting, stay patient, don't ask for too much, don't appear selfish, keep trying e.t.c but the love and acceptance never comes.
But first, in order to get where we want to go, we need to uncover where we are.
If you have experienced narcissistic abuse, coaching or hypnotherapy could be for you if you relate to any of the points listed below. There is a degree of overlap, so it's possible that you’ll relate to different points at different times. So maybe you need to;
1. Recognise Unhealthy Relationships And Their Effects On You
You are in, or you have been in a relationship where you felt unsupported, unseen, needy, discarded or rejected - or like you are walking on eggshells because something doesn’t feel right
You feel confused
It seems like no one understands what you are going through
You can’t decide whether or not to leave an unhealthy relationship or go no contact - or how you'd even do that
You have a pattern of attracting relationships with people who don't support or appreciate you
You struggle to take care of yourself and often focus on trying to fix or help other people
You lack confidence and have feelings of being worthless, not good enough, or that there’s something wrong with you
You feel stressed or are experiencing stress related illness
2. Remove Yourself From Someone Toxic In Your Life (Physically or Energetically)
You are struggling to go and stay ‘no contact’ with someone who isn't good for you
You feel addicted to that person and you just can’t stop thinking about them
You feel physically or emotionally exhausted - like you have no energy
You don’t feel like yourself anymore. Maybe you are not even sure who you are
You are struggling to live a life of complete freedom and truly be yourself (this can apply no matter how long ago that relationship was)
You have had enough of feeling this way! Like sometimes, you even get on your own nerves going round in circles!
3. Recover Yourself And Your Emotions
You struggle to be present in the moment and you have a tendency to keep yourself busy or distracted
You are a perfectionist or over achiever
You emotionally eat/ binge eat or otherwise don't nourish yourself properly - or you have some other unhealthy habit/s
You feel low or depressed, fearful, anxious or on edge most of the time
You are not sure what self-love is, or how to develop it
You feel some other strong emotions which may include: numbness, anger, rage, sadness, shame or guilt, and you want to know how to process them and stop being controlled by life and other people
You know something is stopping you being powerful in some way. e.g. you have a lingering needy feeling inside
4. Recover From Being A People Pleaser/ Codependent/ Highly Sensitive Person
You crave validation or approval from others
You feel the emotions of other people and that burdens you
You hate letting other people down or causing them to be upset with you - so you put other peoples needs before yours - to your own detriment
You don't have boundaries or are afraid to set them
You feel powerless to life and other people
You have a fear of rejection and conflict
You felt invisible, unseen or misunderstood as a child
Feeling Uncertain or Overwhelmed?
Healing can feel pretty overwhelming at times, especially if you are not sure what you need to do and you feel like you relate to or are feeling 'all the things'. If you feel overwhelmed, approach this journey by focusing on what you are experiencing in the present moment. I sometimes ask my clients, "what is bothering you the most right now?" to figure out what to focus on. Then, by taking small, but powerful (self-empowered) steps in the direction you want to go in, you WILL get to your desired destination.
You don’t need to do it all now, you just need to start. You’ve got this! But for now, I invite you to focus on what you really want and need the most.
Do you desire bringing any of the following into your life?
5. Redesign Your Life
You desire to move forward from unhealthy relationships
You want to be free from pain and find healthy ways to support yourself
You want to make your life and your healing about YOU, not every one else
You want to feel confident and self assured
You want to take back your power, and keep your own power (without feeling selfish)
You want to know who you are and ‘feel like yourself” again
You want to develop self love
You want to bring more supportive, nurturing and loving relationships into your life
You want to live a life based on your passions and your purpose
Ultimately, you want to feel safe, comfortable and confident to be you
You want to implement boundaries and stick up for yourself and what you want! (without guilt or needing to give an apology!)
You want to date again after narcissistic abuse (either now or in the future), but in a safe and healthy way
You want a healthy, loving and supportive long-term romantic relationship that warms your heart and blows your mind!
You want to live your dream life or simply experience joy on the regular from the little things in life
Okay if this sounds like you, there's a couple of things you should know.
1. Healing is Possible
I know this from experience. I don’t just mean get over a bad relationship, I mean totally transforming your life. A tree planted in the wrong environment will not grow, but if planted and nourished in the right soil it will flourish! If you put yourself in an environment conducive to your healing - you will heal!
Often, the place you will first find that healing, is within the therapeutic relationship. That's what I offer with my coaching and hypnotherapy services, a safe, nurturing, permissive space to heal, explore and grow into the person you have always been destined to be. Yes, damage can and is done within relationships, but healing can also take place within relationships. And that's so beautiful.
2. You Deserve to Heal and Move Way Beyond This
You don’t need to believe this right now, but start to open yourself up to this as a possibility. Thoughts and feelings such as "Maybe I deserved this (bad relationship or treatment) on some level?", “I can’t heal”, or “I will never get over this,” are simply thoughts and feelings. They are beliefs (that to be honest, often come from the brainwashing that happens as a result of narcissistic abuse). The good news is our beliefs can be changed. And when our beliefs change, our world as we know it also changes, for the better.
Working with a mentor can help you to heal and create a better reality for yourself with greater ease, clarity and support. I place a large part of my own healing to working with someone who had ‘been in my shoes’ and had empathy and insight into what I was experiencing.
When we are in the darkness, in the thick of it, feeling stuck in our problem, it can be so hard to see a way to charter ourselves out of the dark, but this becomes so much easier, and doable, when theres someone else there shining a light. As you come out the other side, you will find your own light, again. And this time, your light will shine even brighter than before.
This isn't some mumbo jumbo nonsense, I am speaking from the heart, and I am speaking from experience. And if this is striking a chord with you, it would be my greatest honour to join you on this journey from unhealthy to healthy relationships and everything else that comes up in between.
That's why I am so delighted to offer hypnotherapy and coaching to create an environment where:
YOU can experience healing in your own life
YOU can take your own steps to feel safe and empowered
YOU can develop personally
YOU can become YOUR own greatest healer
YOU can achieve your goals in healing and in life
Heal yourself by taking one self-empowered step at a time
I am talking about taking a journey to completely transform your relationship with yourself, with others, and with life. By taking one small, but powerful, self-empowered step at a time to create true lasting change. Your old life might have included relationships with people who could not see, hear or appreciate you. But your new life, a life of what you desire, well, you can start creating that life right now! And it all starts with you!
So how can you bridge the gap between your current life and your desired life?
By working with Marie, you will be working with someone who understands Narcissistic abuse, but more importantly, you will be working with someone who understands how to recover from it - and transform your life for the better! There are options for working with Marie, including single sessions and "The Inside Out Transformation" signature package so you can pick what's best for you.
These options are for you regardless of:
How long you have experienced narcissistic abuse
Whether or not you are in a relationship
Your stage of healing and your goals in life
It's my wish that everyone, whether they have experienced narcissistic abuse or not becomes self empowered and learns tools and techniques that they can use to heal and develop themselves and their lives right now, and to have as part of their toolkit of resources to use whenever they need. That’s why I created these support options to assist you in your greatest healing and self development.
If you have read this far, it is clear that you are serious about your life and your healing. Which is fantastic! The question is, are you ready to start your journey with me?
If you would like to receive personal support and guidance as you heal and create the life you desire by working with Marie and you are ready to start healing and to change your life for the better, here are the steps to get started:
Click the "View Services" button below and pick the best option for you
Select “Book Now” directly under the service you would like
You can then schedule and pay for your chosen service or session
You will receive an email confirmation with the required info you'll need to start receiving support!
If you are not sure what service to book or you have some questions about how the "Inside Out Transformation" package works, you can book a complimentary call via the "View Services" button below
I am so excited and honoured to get started working with you. Every step of the healing journey is a part of a radical transformation, YOUR radical transformation. So here's to you and your transformation!
If you want to get to know me a bit better, here's some more of my story:
In 2006, I graduated with a degree in Psychology (BSc) from the University of York (U.K), having studied abroad for a year at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). In order to ‘get life experience’ I started work in the corporate world. Soon after, I began dating a narcissist.
I discovered this months into our relationship, when their increasing levels of control, rages and verbal abuse led me to search Google to find some answers. I found articles and websites on controlling behaviour and narcissism and I immediately recognised what had been happening to me.
I struggled to go no contact and leave the relationship, breaking my self imposed no contact rule, not once, but three times. But I promised myself that, once I'd figured out how to heal, I'd make it my mission to help others to do the same.
Eventually I figured out how to leave and how to get over a relationship with a narcissist. But I continued to date narcissistic people, on and off, for a number of years. Some relationships took multiple attempts to move on from, others ended suddenly through physical abuse.
Over time, I figured out that in order to really heal, I needed to develop a relationship with myself that was so strong, that nobody could destroy it.
This did not happen overnight, I took the scenic route to healing, I'd have the odd hypnotherapy or coaching session, feel a bit better, but then fall into old patterns and unhealthy ways again. If I'm honest, I thought I'd go to therapy and my therapist would fix or save me just like I'd hoped my romantic relationships would, but that never happened.
I have since realised that many of us can tip toe around our healing for some time and honestly just not really know what to do, (which is one of the reason I created the Inside Out Package, so you can stop tip toeing around healing what needs to healed and actually commit to getting the results you want - faster, as part of a programme where you also receive support to help you integrate your healing into your life - which is really where the magic happens!).
There was a time when I didn’t even know what healing was, what it looked like, felt like, or how to do it. I didn’t know what healthy relationships were, let alone how to have one. But I learned. I rebuilt myself and my life from the inside out. (And so can you!).
I created a life I loved. I started travelling, changed my career and made exciting plans for my future. I learned to say ‘I love you” to myself, and mean it (it sounds cheesy but it's necessary!). I found a contentment to be myself that had not previously existed.
I found my ‘happily-ever-after’ ....within myself!
And when I found this contentment in myself, I learned (through a fair bit of trial and error!) to accept more of that love from others.
The Cherry On Top Of The Healing Cake
In 2016, I was working on a tiny island of just 200 residents off of Perth, Western Australia (called Rottnest Island) when I met David. I grew to feel safe, protected, and peacefully loved by this fun-loving gentle giant!
In 2017, we got married on one of the island's beaches, with the sun shining down, the sand between my toes (he had shoes on!), and love glowing in our hearts!
But this did not happen by accident. It happened because I decided what I wanted and I went about creating it, systematically, one (self empowered!) step at a time.
Our relationship was the cherry on top of the ‘happily-ever-after’ that I already found in myself.
Have you ever wondered, what the chances of finding love after narcissistic abuse are?
I used to wonder about this a lot. I figured because of my track record in dating, my chances of finding love were slim to none.
But I realised that this was just a negative belief. And it is false! Because actually, when you commit to heal from narcissistic abuse, the chances of finding love, with yourself AND with another, are very high. (especially when you pair it with the manifesting and dating strategy that I teach!)
I want everyone that has experienced narcissistic abuse, to find their own happily ever after, with themselves. And for them to share the happiness with others in whatever way they choose, whether through friendships, through love or through their work. Not as a fairy tale, but as their reality.
Finding your happily ever after, is not an ending, it is a beautiful beginning!
Maybe your dream beginning is to have a wonderful relationship with yourself, maybe it is to share wonderful relationships with others or feel a wonderful sense of community. Whatever your dream, after healing from narcissistic abuse, this is not a dream, this is your future reality.
And remember, healing is 100% possible. You can overcome your past, and you deserve to xx
Wishing you all the best on your healing journey.
Marie xx