1:1 Coaching Program
A Narcissist Is Giving You Problems
You are recognising that there is (or was) a narcissist in your life & you are trying to deal with & get over it.
You Want To Be Out Of The Fog.
You Want To Be Back To Yourself Again.
Despite your research on narcissism, your mind is spiralling.
You wonder if you'll ever be able to move on and stop thinking about them.
You find yourself worrying & thinking about what will happen next.
You feel conflicted - totally sucked into them one minute, then filled with doubts the next.
You are not sure if you can trust yourself to stay away from them.
You question if your senses have been accurate.
You find yourself overthinking conversations & decisions.
You feel overwhelmed with all the feelings.
You regularly feel on edge & unable to think straight.
You've tried to edit or mute yourself to avoid their repercussions.
You fear you'll never feel normal again.
Your expectations of the relationship have been completely shattered.
Your self care has gone out the window.
If this was a romantic relationship, there is nothing more devastating then feeling like you've met 'the one' one day, then being consumed with hurt & doubt the next. You feel like a piece of crap, riddled with confusion, fear, & painful abandonment. You want to move on & go & stay 'no contact' but you are struggling because you just feel so addicted and powerless to them. You spend a lot of your time ruminating & you've wondered if there's anything that could have produced a different outcome. You feel like a shell of yourself - anxious, fearful, discombobulated - it's pretty hopeless. Plus your self care has gone out the window. You've fantasised (more than once) about the start of the relationship & if theres anything you could do to get the nice guy or girl that you met in the beginning - back.
You want to finally break free, move on with ease & rebuild yourself.

A relationship with a narcissist can often propel us into a trauma bond (feeling addicted to them), fantasising the highs, repressing the lows, plus feeling shock, fear, anger, anxiety, rumination & self doubt.

These psychological patterns are not good for you or your health.
They lead to emotional exhaustion fast.
They cloud your ability to clearly evaluate yourself and the relationship.
They keep you from breaking free & moving on.
They rob you of feeling peaceful & enjoying your life.

You Are Not Alone
I understand what it’s like to try and navigate your way through a relationship while experiencing complete mental & emotional exhaustion. I have handled several narcissistic relationships that challenged my sense of self and reality in ways I never anticipated.
Many highly sensitive, intelligent people with a lot going for them find themselves struggling after being in or leaving a relationship with a narcissist. I have seen it over and over again in my hypnotherapy practice. Especially during the first few months of figuring out who you've been in a relationship with, which can send the mind into overdrive.
It has you questioning reality, your worth and your ability to break free daily.
But this overwhelm and mental exhaustion is not a life sentence. It is escapable. It's possible to dramatically expedite your ability to let go, recover, get out of fear & anxiety & into feeling calm and peaceful.

Let me introduce myself:
I'm Marie,
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Coach
I spent 5 years studying Psychology at College & University before training as a hypnotherapist, counsellor and life coach.
I specialize in helping people break out of unhealthy relationship patterns that are creating unnecessary suffering in their life. I help them feel grounded, calm, confident & in control, in and out of their relationships. I help them regain their personal power without feeling like they are constantly struggling along the way.
I created this specific program because I know how much of a struggle these kind of relationships are and how we can get completely stuck & loose ourselves in them.
I know the in's and out's of recovery from my own past experience and from working with clients - kind, sensitive and capable people whose relationships brought a level of pain & confusion that was destroying their sanity, day by day.
My coaching isn't a band aid solution, cheerleading or simple positive thinking. It's about getting to root of the issue and helping you make shifts that change how you think, feel and behave, for good.

"I really, really want to recommend to you to work with Marie-Claire if you've been through narcissistic abuse, she knows her stuff."

"Marie will offer you such a powerful transformation with her hypnotherapy & coaching. She guided me through the darkness into a lighter version of myself"

"While I have done a lot of healing and therapy modalities, I found hypnotherapy with Marie to be inexplicably effective."

Successfully go or stay no contact.
Break the trauma bond / addiction.
Stop fearing the narcissist.
Reach a place of clarity & understanding.
Stop feeling so much crippling self-doubt.
Move on with your life.
Improve your self care
Feel confident & powerful & like you have yourself back again!
Be present in the moment instead of ruminating over everything.
Release anger, sadness, shame & guilt e.t.c.
Find a sense of peace & calm.
Overcome trauma so you can feel calm throughout your entire day.
Feel confident to communicate & set boundaries.
Improve your energy levels & focus.
Help you to feel a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment in your life.

The Detox program will help you:
Thoughts from my clients...

"I Have Not Contacted The Narcissist For 4 Months"
"Before working with Marie I was really struggling with breaking free from an interaction with a narcissist who had been in my life for 8 years. I was unsure if Marie would be able to fully understand my struggles, but I was proved wrong. Marie really has the ability to empathize with clients.
Since the psychic cord cutting session I have not contacted the narcissist for 4 months. This is a big achievement. Marie really validated my experience which was a huge thing for me, and she also made connections and helped me understand things at a deeper level. Thank you Marie!
I would recommend Marie & her services to anyone who wants to heal from narcissistic abuse or anyone who feels stuck and wants to move forward with their lives. You won’t regret it!"

"I Feel At Home With Myself."
Since having hypnotherapy with Marie, I really feel the difference. I’m more cheerful and energetic and I feel at home with myself and in my decisions for myself.
I’m also more organised. I have a plan for my day, and I execute my plan, whereas before I was stuck in a fear response. I felt frozen and I couldn’t concentrate and get anything done.
I’ve been trying new things and enjoying myself more. I also do things that are healthy for me and I feel really proud of myself.
The process we did in hypnotherapy felt so great and I was surprised by how much of a big impact it has had in my life. Marie was born to do this!
I think of this Detox coaching program as "Narc No More"
No more thinking about them
No more being consumed by them
No more being affected by them
So Instead you can:
Feel like yourself again
Feel calm, centered and relaxed
Focus on what you want and what makes you happy
Trying To Cope
It's likely that you have attempted to draw upon your own coping mechanisms & tools to help you adjust and feel better (such as keeping busy, avoiding social situations, feeling all the feels or avoiding them completely, watching videos and reading about narcissism, codependency, self-help and healing books, positive thinking, affirmations, advice from friends or family, self reflection and self-coaching...)
It's not that you are doing anything wrong
Narcissistic abuse is not normal, and these are all normal responses to an abnormal situation. Narcissistic abuse is a difficult situation with a nuance and complexity that can't be understood through an analysis of regular people in relationships. Plus the mind can be tricky when it comes to getting out of trauma bonding, fear patterns and into confidence.
Our relationships are a huge part of our identities and our life. Even subtle changes to our relationship can create significant suffering, but in the case of narcissistic abuse, the changes we experience are profound, life altering & highly destabilising.
My coaching works because it actually helps you to process past events & change how you think, feel and behave - for the better. This program gives you the time and consistency you need to have deep breakthroughs and make lasting change.

The 1:1 Detox Coaching Program
Specifically Includes:

x 12 - 90 minute 1:1 sessions with me on Zoom. We'll dive in deep and get you out of this overwhelm. The Zoom sessions are designed for breakthroughs. My combination of counselling, coaching & hypnotherapy hones in on your specific circumstance and blocks, helping you to quickly move through these issues. With each new session we will review previous breakthroughs to help you fully implement changes throughout the week.
Tailored Resources - Where applicable I will suggest customized exercises and recommended resources specific to your needs (videos, podcasts, books, & articles) to expedite your progress and reinforce the areas that need the most attention and transformation.
Investment: $799 USD
If you would like to work with me...
Programs are for existing clients that want to take a structured approach to their healing instead of booking individual sessions. Or new clients that I have spoken to during a discovery call.
Existing clients: let me know that you are interested in this program during your next session or send me an email at marie@revelationtherapy.com.
New to me and my services: If you haven't worked with me in the past, you could either book a counselling or hypnotherapy session or a 15 minute discovery call so we can get to know each other where we will talk about your situation and your goals, you can ask me questions you may have and we will both get a good idea of what working together will be like.
If it’s a fit - we can then get you signed up!

"I never imagined hypnotherapy to be this effective but I guess with the right therapist you can achieve amazing results and change in a short period of time."

"Working with Marie will change your life. So be ready for the change. Marie is amazing!! ❤️❤️❤️"

"Marie is a fantastic facilitator, creating a relaxing and healing experience I would recommend to anyone."
Are payment plans available?
Yes, there is a 3 month payment plan option.
Can I record the calls?
Yes. We will have sessions on Zoom. By default, I don't record calls but there is a recording option available on request.
How do I sign up?
Once we do discuss via email, in session or in your discovery introductory call and know it's a fit, I will provide you with the information to sign up.
What if I feel like I only need a couple of sessions?
If you feel you only need one or two sessions, you can book single counselling or hypnotherapy sessions with me.
However, having personally gone through the healing journey and coached others struggling, I know how long it takes to make changes needed to get you feeling and functioning better. I personally failed to heal like I wanted for multiple years because I did not take the necessary steps - and I see others make this same mistake ALL THE TIME. People feel a little bit better and then they quit, they quit on themselves.
This isn't about feeling a little bit better. This is about changing your life - once and for all. And the way to do that is to take proactive steps towards change - not reactive steps.
This is not band-aid coaching. This program is a complete breakthrough, which is just what is needed after this kind of a relationship. This is an investment in lasting results that you can take with you throughout your life, and throughout all of your relationships. I don't like the way I sound saying this - I sound pushy and like a know it all - I promise I am not - but I do know this very well and I know what it takes, thats why I offer single sessions so you can choose whats right for you.
You have three programs, where shall I start?
If you relate to this Narc Detox program, even a tiny bit, start there. My programs have been designed in the following order:
Step 1. Narc Detox.
Step 2. Heal Inside Out After The Narcissist.
Step 3. Love Life - Date & Find Love After Disappointment.
It's important to follow this process, in this order & not skip any steps because each program builds on the one before. Each program builds on the last and I can't make this jounrey go faster or take any less time than it needs to take. It's better to do this thoroughly and right.
Can you tell me more about hypnotherapy?
Yes! I've made a separate section answering your hypnotherapy questions which you can find below.
"I really appreciated the combination of coaching and hypnosis that Marie provided in our sessions because it gave me the opportunity to express myself and then go in and dig a little deeper and heal my past wounds. The combination was powerful and gave me lasting results that I am still benefiting from."

Questions About Hypnotherapy
What is hypnotherapy?
When I look at the word hypnotherapy I see the combination of two words, 'hypno', as in hypnosis, and therapy. I explain hypnosis below. And in this instance therapy could be thought of as making something better.
Hypnotherapy uses the naturally occurring state of hypnosis to access the subconscious mind to help us in some way. Our subconscious mind is the part of us involved in our emotions, beliefs, instincts, & automatic, habitual & instinctual behaviours. Sometimes, like if we have had a toxic relationship, our subconscious emotions, habitual thoughts e.t.c need an update, just like when we need to update our computer software to help it function better! That's where hypnotherapy comes in.
What is hypnosis & what is it like?
The hypnotic state is actually a normal everyday occurrence. When we are engrossed in an activity we enjoy like reading a book, watching a movie, playing a sport, dancing, or creating something - we are in a form of hypnosis. If you've ever driven somewhere and arrived at your destination, but you don't really consciously remembered the journey of how you got there, or if you've ever had the feeling of falling asleep - whilst also being somewhat aware of the environment you are in - you have experienced a form of hypnosis.
The hypnotic state is what we experience when we are in the R.E.M sleep state which is when we dream at night - and at that time we are totally immersed in our experience of another world. Interestingly, when we are growing in our mother's womb, we spend three months in this R.E.M. state. This is where we learn our unconscious instincts, - which are essential for our survival. In hypnotherapy, this natural state is utilised in order to update our emotional processing, beliefs, and habits so we can live a more satisfying life.
Why are you using hypnotherapy as part of this package?
Because it works! It makes the process of desired change & healing more effective, for me & for you! If you've ever tried to make a change in your life with just will power alone - you might have experienced how difficult it can be! That's why it's so beneficial to get the subconscious on board as well with hypnosis. Coaching and things like journalling definitely still reach the subconscious mind but the hypnotic state can bring about changes more efficiently by going straight to the root of a problem. Hypnotherapy also has added benefits like helping you to relax, feel calm & grounded & soothe the mind & body - which we often really need, especially after narcissistic abuse.
Isn't hypnotherapy weird?
I don't think so, I think it's a fundamental part of psychology. But there are lot of misconceptions about hypnotherapy that perhaps gave it a weird reputation. This probably stems from how it's been used in public entertainment where stage hypnotists get people to do things like cluck like chickens! (Which is weird!) But that's only a very tiny percent of how hypnosis is used. Also, only a small percent of people (outgoing people who actually want to) would actually cluck like a chicken on a stage in a room full of people. And stage hypnotists are very skilled at picking them.
When the hypnotic state is used in a Hypno-therapeutic setting, or even in self hypnosis, it is such a powerful tool we can all use to change our lives for the better, and that's not weird, it's wonderful! Also, if stage hypnotherapists can get people to cluck like chickens, imagine the power this tool has for other productive changes! Which is how I like to use it.
Are you going to get me to do something I don't want?
No, never. The way I use hypnotherapy depend on the person I'm with & the desired outcome, but oftentimes it might feel like a relaxing story time with pauses for your input - conversation's where you tell me what YOU are experiencing & I then work with you on what YOU want & need in order to move forward.
Are you going to heal me?
Yes and no. I am going to guide you to heal yourself.
What else can you tell me about what working with you?
I'm a gentle, permissive kind of therapist. I certainly will not force you to do anything, but don't mistake gentle for not being powerful. I'll work with you at your pace along your path. I'll be a guide on your own journey to get where you want & what you want.
Where and why did you become a Hypnotherapist and a Life Coach?
I have a background in Psychology. I studied it for 5 years in the U.K & the U.S.A, and I was considering becoming a Psychologist. However, I didn't want to work in a clinical setting with severe mental health issues. I wanted to work with the general population - & as funny as it might sound now (because where I live now in Australia there are 'heaps' of general Psychologists), back then, the path to doing that was not clear to me.
I also took it to heart when I was told that I was too young & inexperienced to help others & I should 'get some life experience'. Pretty soon, my life then led me into the arms of a narcissist!
During this time, I experienced hypnotherapy a few times and I always found it to be a fascinating experience. Then when I was struggling to move on from this relationship, I had a hypnotherapy session (energetic cord cutting). And I was blown away with the transformation. It really helped me leave the relationship in the past and reclaim my energy.
After the session, I had a light bulb moment. This was what I was wanted to be do with my life. I decided to become a hypnotherapist myself. Experiencing hypnotherapy had given me answers I had not found elsewhere. And there was something about the felt experience of it. Something inside me said 'this works' & it really intrigued me.
I took my time getting to my own training, which I started a few years after in 2013 at the London Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.
I had wanted to heal myself first before working with others. But I've since realised it isn't about being fully healed, but perhaps instead about being 'healed enough' - healed enough to stop doing the dance with narcissists, healed enough to have healthier relationship, healed enough to make better choices e.t.c.
Since my initial training, I've added further training in hypnotherapy, life coaching and counselling, including the rewind trauma technique. This field intrigues me so much & I always enjoy learning more through further study, courses, reading, and life experience. In 2024 I completed a diploma in counselling.